The Work Her Dream Organization looks into reducing literacy and poverty levels through school education, reproductive health awareness, as well as HIV/AIDS and Drug addiction sensitization among the girl child and women in the society.

Through the programme, more than 300 girls have been educated through school fees payment and over 15,000 boxes of sanitary towels provided to the young girls in the slums and rural communities. They also equip them in matters of mental health, menstrual health hygiene, and skills training, such as beadery and crochet weaving for sustainability purposes and reducing their dependency levels.

In an effort to mitigate the numbers of teenage pregnancy in Kenya, Lily Okeyo, founder of Work Her Dream Organization, ensures that sex education is brought to the ground community level; giving the girls a platform to freely express themselves and learn while eliminating the taboo of open sex talks in the society.

Work her dream advocates for education of the  girlchild  in the belief that ‘If you Empower a girl you Empower future generations and a nation’.

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